- The X4 Power Flash arrives Pre-Loaded with DYNO Proven tune files that INCREASE HORSEPOWER and TORQUE! Programming your vehicle with one of SCT's pre-loaded performance or fuel economy tune files is as easy as 1-2-3. Simply plug the OBDII connector into your vehicle's OBDII port, select the pre-loaded tune file using the simple to navigate menu and within minutes the X4 programs your vehicle.
- 3 Custom files will be included. You will need to email the strategy and serial number of the device when you receive it. The custom tunes will be emailed to you for you to load on the device.
- This part is intended for use on racing vehicles that are used in closed-course racing events. Installing or using this part on any emission-controlled vehicle, or selling this part for such use, violates federal and state emissions laws and regulations. "Street," "off-road," and "dual-use" of this part is prohibited